Prim Skirts and TL; DR

Last weekend I spent almost the entire weekend angry and frustrated at not being able to build a prim skirt.  I yelled, a lot. It’s amazing how even after more than a year in SL, I’m still a complete noob.  I tried hand aligning prims… zomgwtfbbq.  That lasted all of two and half seconds.  Then I tried the loop rez script… which was alright, but it took far too much trial and error and I still wasn’t getting the shape I wanted.  Not to mention the mind boggling task of retexturing skirts into different colors would probably make me pull all of my prim hair out.  So I googled.. and came across some posts about Vint’s Primskirt Builder and wow, it’s the best thing ever.  It’s so user friendly and someone like myself was able to make a skirt in just a few seconds and multiple skirts in a few minutes! <3 I have a tendency to break all that is technology, so the fact that this worked and I didn’t screw it up immediately is huge.

primskirt success

I still am unsure where I’m going to go with this clothing stuff… I’ve been wanting to do clothes forever and really got jazzed about making this Gothic Lolita Dolly themed outfit.  But I find the stuff I pour my heart and soul into and bloody my eyes making tend to be the things that are the worst received (corset piercings, WP line, Trickster line) and I find I rarely make sales on.  Maybe it’s because they are a too taste specific and very few people share my tastes apparently.  Maybe it’s the further away from “Tan Barbie, Princess of Malibu” I get the less people want it.  Maybe it’s because they took such a monumental effort on my part that I take it very, very personal when they fail.  Maybe it’s because a lot of people are cheap and only like my stuff if it’s free.  I don’t know, but there’s been a weird correlation to those particular projects failing for me and it still bums me out immensely.  I’m definitely being a little over ambitious on this project… the whole thing has a billion layers, skin and eyes and it would be a lot of work.  So yeah, I don’t know how much time and effort I want to put into this knowing the potential for failsauce is so high.  *le sigh*

Yeah, I’m being a little emo today, sorry.  But I’m still super psyched about the skirts! ^^;